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Cloning Google Slides

Students LOVE learning about cloning! These no prep activities bring cloning to life, with drag and drop to build a diagram of this process, word fills, and researching how cloning could bring back the woolly mammoth! Assign to your students now.

Each license is for single classroom use by the original purchaser only - if you would like to share this resource with your colleagues, please purchase additional licenses.

Also included in

Sale! Cover image showing a digital interactive notebook of google slides against a blue background. The title text reads, “Biotechnology Unit Bundle” and text on the bottom reads, “Google Slides activities & quiz”.

Biotechnology Unit Bundle Google Slides

Original price was: $29.96.Current price is: $23.99.
Sale! Cover image showing clipart of a sheep and its clone against a blue background. The first sheep is saying, "Don't I know you?" and the second sheep says, "I'm your clone!". The title text reads, “Biotechnology Unit Bundle” and text on the bottom reads, “Google Slides, Doodle Notes & Quiz”.

Biotechnology Big Unit Bundle

Original price was: $51.92.Current price is: $38.99.
Sale! Cover image showing an iPad with Google Slides and a set of Doodle Notes. The title text reads, “Cloning Bundle” and the text on the bottom reads, “Google slides, doodle notes & quiz”.

Cloning Bundle

Original price was: $12.98.Current price is: $9.99.
Sale! Cover image showing 10 thumbnails of biology units against a green background. The text at the top reads, "Biology Year Bundle" with a picture of a bee beside it. The text at the bottom reads, "Google Slides Activities and Google Forms Quizzes" and, "A whole year of Digital INB Activities".

Whole Year of Biology Google Slides Bundle

Original price was: $361.52.Current price is: $250.00.


Interactive Google Slides for your students to learn about cloning!

They are full of engaging tasks like labeling diagrams, drag & drop to show the process of adult cell cloning, reading an article, creating a digital leaflet and many more! Your students will love learning about this interesting aspect of Biotechnology and delving into the ethics of it.

All tasks are clearly explained and custom graphics are used so the information is at an appropriate level. Technical tips are included so you can focus on teaching.

There are answer slides and a Google Forms Quiz for you to easily check student progress. It’s self-grading, so there is no extra work for you!

Content covered:

  • Natural clones
  • Types of cloning
  • Cloning plants – tissue culture and cuttings
  • Cloning animals – embryo transplant and adult cell cloning
  • Ethics of cloning
  • Benefits of cloning

My Cloning Google Slides Activities and Quiz includes:

  • Student Google Slides Activities: 16 slides of engaging activities, including:
    • describing pictures of natural clones
    • drag and drop to match up types of cloning
    • word fills to describe the process of cloning
    • an article and questions on cloning pet dogs
    • creating a leaflet on use cloning to bring back the Woolly Mammoth
    • sorting benefits and issues of cloning
    • plus more!
  • Answer Slides: animated for going through with the whole class, or you can set them on Google Classroom for students to check and correct their own work
  • Google Forms Quiz: a self-grading 15 point quiz to let you easily check student progress, including images to support some questions
  • Teacher Guidance: how to assign and use this resource

How do I use the Google Slides and Quiz?

  1. After checkout, you can immediately download your resource
  2. Then you’ll click the links in the PDF to make copies for your own Google Drive
  3. Next, simply assign the slides and quiz to your students on Google Classroom

Ta-da, your lesson prep is done!

Would you love some Doodle Notes to review this lesson? You can get them for just $2 extra in my Cloning Bundle.

Please note: You will need a Google Classroom set up for your students and each student will need their own device and an internet connection to access the Google Slides and Quiz. There is a link to a YouTube video – please ensure YouTube is not restricted by your school. Most clipart and questions are secured and cannot be edited. The answers can be edited.

You’re busy juggling a million things – let me take lesson planning off your plate. Download my ready to use resources instantly and get your time back.

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