HIV and AIDS Google Slides
If you need to deliver a lesson about HIV and AIDS, then these Google Slides activities are a great way to help students learn about these. They cover important information, like methods of transmission, symptoms, progression to AIDS and more.
Also included in
Interactive and rigorous, these Google Slides activities will teach students all about HIV and AIDS.
Students will work through a variety of activities, including identifying methods of transmission, creating a fact file, reordering the stages of infection, and more. These activities are designed to help students understand more about this disease in an insightful and clear way. All tasks are explained clearly and all info is provided for them.
Animated answer slides are included, and there is a Google Forms Quiz to easily check student progress. It’s self-grading so there is no extra work for you.
Content covered:
- Methods of transmission
- What HIV does in the body
- Symptoms
- Stages of infection and progression to AIDS
- How it can be prevented
- How it is treated
My HIV and AIDS Google Slides Activities and Quiz includes:
- Student Google Slides Activities: 12 slides of engaging activities, including:
- Watching an informative video about HIV and why it can’t be cured*
- Drag & drop pictures of the stages of HIV infection and their descriptions
- Labelling the structure of HIV
- Reading and highlight text passages
- Creating a fact file – 2 website links that include all necessary info
- Comprehension questions from a breastfeeding with HIV article
- And more.
- Answer Slides: animated for going through with the whole class, or you can set them on Google Classroom for students to check and correct their own work
- Google Forms Quiz: a self-grading 10 point quiz to let you easily check student progress
- Teacher Guidance: how to assign and use this resource
How do I use the Google Slides and Quiz?
- After checkout, you can immediately download your resource
- Then you’ll click the links in the PDF to make copies for your own Google Drive
- Next, simply assign the slides and quiz to your students on Google Classroom
And that is it, your lesson prep is done!
Want Doodle Notes for this lesson? You can get them for just $2 extra in my HIV and AIDS Bundle.
Please note: You will need a Google Classroom set up for your students and each student will need their own device and an internet connection to access the Google Slides and Quiz. *There is a link to a YouTube video – please ensure YouTube is not restricted by your school. Most clipart and questions are secured and cannot be edited. The answers can be edited.
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