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Cell Transport Unit Bundle Google Slides

Save hours of your time with this unit of cell transport Google Slides! These are ready-to-use and virtually no prep – just assign to your Google Classroom! They are packed with engaging activities, and every lesson comes with a self-grading Google Forms Quiz.

Each license is for single classroom use by the original purchaser only - if you would like to share this resource with your colleagues, please purchase additional licenses.
Original price was: $31.96.Current price is: $25.99.

Also included in

Sale! Cover image showing 10 thumbnails of biology units against a green background. The text at the top reads, "Biology Year Bundle" with a picture of a bee beside it. The text at the bottom reads, "Doodle Notes, Google Slides and Quiz" and, "A whole year bundle of activities".

Whole Year of Biology Google Slides and Doodle Notes Bundle

Original price was: $649.00.Current price is: $380.00.
Sale! Cover image showing clipart of a cell membrane with molecules moving through a carrier protein. The title text reads, “Cell Transport Unit Bundle” and text on the bottom reads, “Google Slides, Doodle Notes & Quiz”.

Cell Transport Big Unit Bundle

Original price was: $52.92.Current price is: $38.99.
Sale! Cover image showing 10 thumbnails of biology units against a green background. The text at the top reads, "Biology Year Bundle" with a picture of a bee beside it. The text at the bottom reads, "Google Slides Activities and Google Forms Quizzes" and, "A whole year of Digital INB Activities".

Whole Year of Biology Google Slides Bundle

Original price was: $361.52.Current price is: $250.00.


A whole unit of cell transport Google Slides!

My Google Slides activities are interactive and ready to use. Your students will love the bright and engaging slides – custom clipart is used to bring cell transport processes to life! The activities are clearly explained, along with technical tips so you can focus on teaching. A teacher guidance document will take you through everything you need to get started with my Google Slides activities.

Every lesson comes with answer slides and a Google Forms quiz to easily check student progress. This is self-grading, so there is no extra work for you!

These are no prep resources – simply assign to your Google Classroom.

My Cellular Transport Google Slides Unit Bundle includes:

  • Student Google Slides Activities: engaging and interactive activities for every lesson – these are provided as both individual lessons (for teachers who wish to assign lessons one-by-one) or as a whole digital interactive notebook (for teachers who wish to assign the whole unit in one notebook) – choose the format that works best for you and your students
  • Answer Slides: animated for going through with the whole class, or you can set them on Google Classroom for students to check and correct their own work
  • Google Forms Quizzes: 4 self-grading quizzes to let you easily check student progress. Questions are supported by images where suitable
  • Teacher Guidance: how to assign and use these resources – there is also some guidance to help you decide if you want to use the whole digital INB or the individual lessons

Content covered:

  • The Cell Membrane: Structure and function of the cell membrane, The role of cholesterol, The fluid mosaic model of the cell membrane
  • Diffusion and Facilitated Diffusion: Process of diffusion, Simple diffusion – properties of molecules that can/cannot diffuse directly across the cell membrane, Facilitated diffusion – channel proteins and carrier proteins, Factors affecting the rate of diffusion
  • Osmosis: The process of osmosis – in terms of water concentration, solute concentration and water potential, Semipermeable membranes (also referred to as partially permeable and selectively permeable), Osmosis in animal cells and plant cells, Types of solutions – hypertonic, isotonic and hypotonic, Osmosis in action – gummy bears and potato cylinders
  • Active Transport: Definition, Requirements, Examples of active transport including plant roots, The sodium-potassium pump – as an example of active transport (suitable for High School and AP Biology courses), Cotransport of glucose – as an example of secondary active transport, Endocytosis and exocytosis, Comparison to osmosis and diffusion (summary Venn diagram in whole unit digital INB)

Benefits of my Google Slides Activities and Quizzes:

  • They are practically zero prep – simply check over the slides and assign to Google Classroom
  • They promote independence – students can get stuck into tasks quickly
  • With vibrant colors and illustrations, students can really visualize the topic and interact with it
  • Students will develop their technical skills through interactive tasks
  • They bring technology into the classroom in an accessible and easy way, with clear instructions for teachers and students

Get rigorous and fun lessons for your biotechnology unit at amazing value!

How do I use the Google Slides and Quizzes?

  1. After checkout, you can immediately download your resources
  2. Then you’ll click the links in the PDFs to make copies for your own Google Drive
  3. Next, simply assign the slides and quizzes to your students on Google Classroom

And that is it, your lesson prep is done!

Please note: You will need a Google Classroom set up for your students and each student will need their own device and an internet connection to access the Google Slides and Quiz. There are some links to YouTube videos – please ensure YouTube is not restricted by your school. Most clipart and questions are secured and cannot be edited. The answers can be edited.

Teachers spend too much time outside of school planning lessons. Take back your free time with this ready-to-use unit of lessons.

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